Today, we bring to you our next installment in our series taking a look at members of the Senate and House of Representatives who will be retiring at the end of this legislative session. Several of these members serve as the minority or majority chairs of legislative committees where bills get hashed out, amended and sometimes stopped long before reaching a vote on the floor. The departure of these individuals will trigger power shifts and changes come January, but for today, we thank each for their service as leaders of the Finance, Commerce, and Labor and Industry Committees.

Rep. Phyllis Mundy (D- Luzerne)

Rep. Phyllis Mundy will be leaving the House after serving the 120th district for 24years. Rep. Mundy is a graduate of Kingston High School and Bloomsburg State College. Prior to her election, she was a business manager of a multi-million dollar manufacturing facility. Rep. Mundy headed efforts to expand prescription drug benefits and care for senior citizens, as well as other similar initiatives for children and women.

Currently, Rep. Mundy is the minority chair of the House Finance Committee. She is a member of the Rules Committee, Democratic Policy Committee, as well as the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee. Rep. Mundy has served on the boards of Emergency Medical Services of Northeastern Pennsylvania and the Greater Pittston Chamber of Commerce, as well as the Advisory Board of the Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Northeast Pennsylvania.

Rep. Mundy resides in Kingston and has a son who lives in California.

For more information on Rep. Mundy, see:

Rep. Chris Ross (R- Chester)

After serving Chester County and the 158th district for nearly two decades, Rep. Chris Ross will retire at the end of the current session. A Harvard University graduate, Rep. Ross worked on the campaigns of former U.S. Sen. John Heinz and former Gov. Dick Thornburgh. Prior to his election, he was the owner of Rox Industries, Inc. and served as chairman of the London Grove Township’s Board of Supervisors.

Rep. Ross is currently the chairman of the House Commerce Committee. He also sits on the Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, as well as the Urban Affairs Committee. In 2006, Rep. Ross was a prominent player in creating the Alternative Energy Act.

Rep. Ross resides in East Marlborough Township with his wife Cecilia; they are the parents of two children.

For more information on Rep. Ross, see:

Rep. Mario Scavello (R-Monroe)

Representative Mario Scavello will leave the House after six terms in office to run for a newly drawn Senate seat in the Monroe County area. He is the Chairman of the House Labor and Industry Committee and currently also serves on the Professional Licensure and Rules Committees.  Among his legislative accomplishments is the enactment of Act 90 of 2012, which helped ensure quality care for patients with prosthetics and orthotic services.

Rep. Scavello is former mayor of Mount Pocono and former chairman of the Monroe County Board of Commissioners. Rep. Scavello is a graduate of Theodore Roosevelt High School in the Bronx, N.Y. and also attended the City University in New York. Rep. Scavello resides in Monroe County with his wife of nearly 40 years, Mary Ann.

For more information on Rep. Scavello, see: