Governor Tom Corbett unveiled his $29.4 billion budget proposal today, marking the beginning of the 2014-2015 budget process.  The proposal provides a 3.3 percent increase from 2013-14.

In his remarks to the General Assembly, Governor Corbett focused on education, jobs, and health and human services.  He also called upon the legislature to enact pending legislation dealing with pension reform and liquor privatization.

Highlights of the governor’s proposals include:

  • No tax increases.
  • The proposal continues to phase out the Capital Stock and Franchise Tax (CSFT).  Beginning in 2016, the CSFT will be eliminated.
  • A $5 million increase for the Pennsylvania First program in support of JOBS1st PA initiative.  This includes a $3 million increase to the base program and a $2 million increase to the WEDnetPA Job Training program to train an additional 10,000 employees.
  • Creates a new Ready to Learn Block Grant totaling $241 million in new funding for school districts focused on student achievement and academic success.  The Accountability Block Grant Program, which supports pre-K, full-day kindergarten and other educational programs, is funded at the current level of $100 million.
  • Provides a $10 million increase to Pre-K Counts program to serve 1,670 additional children.
  • Increases support for community health centers and health care clinics by doubling the investment last year to provide $8 million to Pennsylvania’s community-based healthcare clinics and fund four additional health centers and clinics in addition to 36 existing health centers and clinics.
  • Expanding access to primary care services in rural and underserved areas of Pennsylvania with a $4 million increase for loan repayment assurance to healthcare practitioners working in primary care in rural and underserved areas.
  • An additional $23.5 million to provide home and community-based options for individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism.

In the coming days, we will provide additional information and analysis of the Governor’s proposals and reactions to them.  In the meantime, here are some useful links to information:

Read Governor Corbett’s Budget Address:

Review the Budget-in-Brief, slide presentation and spreadsheet:

Read the news release on the Governor’s 2014-2015 budget proposals:

Read the news release on healthcare and the human services proposals in the Governor’s budget:

Read the news release on jobs/workforce development proposals in the Governor’s budget:

Read information on education proposals in the Governor’s budget: